Fettuccine tirate a mano fatte in casa con ragù di costine
Pasta fresca con uovo, fatta in casa con ragù di costolette di maiale
Ravioli in salsa tartufata o burro e salvia
Pasta fresca con uovo, fatta in casa, ripiena di ricotta e spinaci
Maltagliati alla boscaiola
Pasta fresca con uovo, fatta in casa con funghi e salsiccia
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96 reviews
Localita' Prato Snc, Poggio San Lorenzo, 02030, Rieti, 02030 Poggio San Lorenzo
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One of our top-rated trendy and gourmet restaurants on TheFork.
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About this restaurant
FAMILIARE - In località Prato, nei pressi di Poggio San Lorenzo, in provincia di Rieti, sorge il Ristorante Agriturismo Santa Giusta. Un ambiente accogliente e molto cordiale, dove si respira una calda atmosfera familiare. Il personale è attento, veloce nel servizio e sempre disponibile ad esaudire ...
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Agriturismo Santa Giusta has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Yes, Agriturismo Santa Giusta is offering 20% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
Agriturismo Santa Giusta is rated 9.2/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.1/10
Service: 9.2/10
Atmosphere: 9.4/10
Agriturismo Santa Giusta is identified as offering mediterranean cuisine.
Yes, Agriturismo Santa Giusta has been identified as having a terrace. It is perfectly suited for enjoying an outdoor meal confortably.
Yes, Agriturismo Santa Giusta has been identified as perfect for group dining. The more, the merrier!
Yes, Agriturismo Santa Giusta has been identified as dog friendly.