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Raymond r. • 9 reviews
July 13, 2018
service acceuillant
Tripadvisor reviews
76 reviews
2, rue de l'Acropole, 34420 Villeneuve-lès-Béziers
ligne n°10 & ligne n°18 (sauf le dimanche et jours fériés)
gratuit sur place
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About this restaurant
ENTRE TERRE ET MER – D'un côté la plage, de l'autre des massifs montagneux… Le rêve, non ? Amis Biterrois et Biterroises, pas la peine d'énumérer tous les spots fameux de la ville… savourons ! En parlant de saveurs, connaissez-vous Le Restaurant Campanile de Villeneuve les Béziers ?
Frequently Asked Questions
Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers is rated 8.7/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8/10
Service: 9.7/10
Atmosphere: 9/10
Yes, Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers is identified as offering french cuisine.
Yes, Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers has been identified as having a terrace. It is perfectly suited for enjoying an outdoor meal confortably.
Absolutely, you can use your TheFork Giftcards at Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers.
Yes, Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers has been identified as serving healthy food.
Yes, Campanile Villeneuve-lès-Béziers has been identified as having a bar.
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