Indiase kaas geserveerd met een romige saus, tomaten en cashewnoten/ fromage indien servi avec une sauce crémeuse, tomates et noix de cajou/ indian cheese served with a creamy gravy, tomatoes and cashew nuts
Palak paneer
Indiase kaas, spinazie in een licht gekruide curry/ fromage indien, épinards dans un curry légèrement épicé/ indian cheese, spinach in a slightly spiced curry
Bombay aloo
Gekookte aardappelen met mix van uien, tomaten, kruiden, curryblaadjes/ pommes de terre bouillies avec oignons, tomates, épices, feuilles de curry/ boiled potatoes with spicy mix of onions, tomatoes, spices, curry leaves
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Leuvensesteenweg 608, 1930 Zaventem
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Chillys' indian restaurant is rated 8.7/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.7/10
Service: 8.7/10
Atmosphere: 8.7/10
Yes, Chillys' indian restaurant has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Chillys' indian restaurant is identified as offering indian cuisine.
Yes, Chillys' indian restaurant has been identified as perfect for spending quality time with your friends.