One of our top-rated trendy and gourmet restaurants on TheFork.
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Cocina tradicional pero innovadora, así se describe el restaurante La Alacena del Hotel Beatriz Toledo Auditorium & Spa, un espacio donde la elegancia y el buen gusto es el elemento imperante en sus salones claros y abiertos.
Su cocina es mediterránea, con exquisitos toques de autor en las prepar...
Frequently Asked Questions
La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo is rated 9.4/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.4/10
Service: 9.5/10
Atmosphere: 9.4/10
Yes, La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo is identified as offering spanish cuisine.
Yes, La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo has been identified as having a terrace. It is perfectly suited for enjoying an outdoor meal confortably.
According to TheFork users, La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo is one of the trendiest restaurants in Toledo at the moment.
Yes, you can pay with your AMEX credit card at La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo.
Yes, La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo has been identified as offering private dining options.
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Restaurants around La Alacena - Hotel Beatriz Toledo