Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Nicolas Fabre
Type of cuisine
Menu photos (1)
All food photos (33)
Oeufs mayonnaise
Carpaccio de bonite
Sauce ceviche, olives, échalotes, cébette
Huîtres numéro 3 de l'étang de thau
Cerises, tomates, salicornes
Aïoli provençal
Pavé de morue, crevette, bulot, œuf, légumes vapeur, sauce aïoli
Filet de st pierre, câpres, olives
Riz thaï et tomate rôtie
Picanha de bœuf
Carottes rôties et polenta, sauce chimichurri
Salade de césar
Poulet, croûtons, lardons, salade, parmesan et sauce césar (anchois, oeufs, vinaigre de xérès, parmesan)
L'assiette tomates, burrata, pesto
Burrata di buffala, tomates paysannes, pistou et sauce vierge
Fromage saint marcellin igp
Le café gourmand
La tarte au citron revisitée au basilic
La crème brûlée
Moelleux au chocolat, glace vanille, chantilly maison et caramel beurre salé
Menu enfant
Menu enfant
Frequently Asked Questions
At La Caravelle, the chef is Nicolas Fabre.
If you plan to eat at La Caravelle, the average price should be around €29. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, La Caravelle has been identified as having local food on the menu.
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