One of our top-rated trendy and gourmet restaurants on TheFork.
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LOCATION - Il ristorante La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea si trova a Roma, in una struttura antica che gode di un'ottima posizione, con vista sul paesaggio circostante. C'è la possibilità di mangiare all'interno o nel giardino.
LA PROPOSTA CULINARIA - La cucina è italiana, con piatti preparati ...
Frequently Asked Questions
La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea is rated 9.4/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 9.3/10
Service: 9.3/10
Atmosphere: 9.5/10
Yes, La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Yes, La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea is offering 20% off the 'a la carte' menu Reserve your table and enjoy your special discount now on TheFork!
La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea is identified as offering mediterranean cuisine.
Yes, La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea has been identified as having a special romantic atmosphere that you could enjoy during your next rendez-vous with your special someone.
According to TheFork users, La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea is one of the coziest restaurants in Rome at the moment.
Yes, La Taverna Relais Castrum Boccea has been identified as having a bar.
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