Largo da Presa - 126A - Giesteira, 2495-591 Fátima
Average price€23
Average price
Average price for a meal, calculated on the basis of an appetizer, entrée, and dessert, excluding drinks. The average price is only an indication.
Lanterna do Fado
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Last update
May 11, 2024
Isabel Gil
Type of cuisine
Alheira grelhada com mel e nozes
Queijo em azeite e tomilho
Queijo c/ mel e amêndoas
Misto de enchidos
Tábua de presunto, queijo e doce
Carne de porco à portuguesa
Arroz da avó bina
Arroz de pato
Bochecha de vaca à cheff
Friginada de javali c/castanhas e salada de laranja
Bacalhau c/ broa
Bacalhau à lanterna
Grãozada de polvo com camarão
Hamburger vegetariano
Salada mista pequena
Salada mista grande
Full menu
Prices and dishes may change.
These prices do not include offers.
Prices shown include sales tax.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Lanterna do Fado, the average price should be around €23. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
At Lanterna do Fado, the chef is Isabel Gil.
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