Assortiment de charcuteries affinées et son trio de fromages
L'ardoise mixte de la mer
Frites de panisses, mange-tout, moules gratinées et rougets grillés
Bookable on TheFork
La Formule du Midi by l'Etincelle€24.9 per guest
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47 reviews
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Terry a. • 3 reviews
July 12, 2024
super restaurant
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294 reviews
82 Plage de l'Estaque, 13016 Marseille
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About this restaurant
Blotti en plein cœur de l'Estaque "Plage", le Restaurant l'Etincelle vous invite à un voyage extraordinaire.
Un lâché de saveurs Méridionales et Provençales dans vos assiettes.
Le Chef Mickael Gomez s'exprime généreusement bravant les logiques culinaires afin de créer des plats uniquement élabor...
Frequently Asked Questions
Restaurant L'Etincelle is rated 8.6/10.TheFork users have rated accordingly in the following categories:
Quality of food: 8.7/10
Service: 8.9/10
Atmosphere: 8.3/10
Yes, Restaurant L'Etincelle has availability on TheFork currently. Do not hesitate, reserve your table on TheFork!
Restaurant L'Etincelle is identified as offering french cuisine.
Yes, Restaurant L'Etincelle has been identified as having a special romantic atmosphere that you could enjoy during your next rendez-vous with your special someone.
Yes, Restaurant L'Etincelle has been identified as having a terrace. It is perfectly suited for enjoying an outdoor meal confortably.
Yes, Restaurant L'Etincelle has been identified as opened on Sundays.