Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Last update
December 5, 2024
Type of cuisine
Menu photos (4)
All food photos (76)
Uovo pochè, zucca, bietoline, funghi e formaggio caprone
Vellutata di topinambur e carciofi
Baccalà, ceci e friggitelli
Tartare di manzo, alga nori, olive, nocciole e scarola
Tagliatelle al ragu tradizionale bolognese
Lorighittas con ragu d’anatra
Tagliatelle con crema di cicoria, pane tostato, acciuga, peperone crusco e ricotta salata
Raviololo di zucca, parmigiano e tartufo
Lingotto di agnello, patate e cipollotto, yogurt
Guancette di manzo brasate, sedano rapa, carote viola e funghi
Millefoglie di zucca e melanzana
Cotoletta di vitello, fonduta di parmigiano, prosciutto e pure
Mousse peperoncino, ananas e cioccolato
Mousse ai due cioccolati, caffe e caramello
Seadas formaggio e miele
Crostatina al cioccolato bianco, lavanda e lemon curd
Frequently Asked Questions
If you plan to eat at Soramànego , the average price should be around €29. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Soramànego has been identified as having vegan options on the menu.
Yes, Soramànego has been identified as having vegetarian options on the menu.
Absolutely, Soramànego has been identified as having gluten-free options on the menu.
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