Explore the culinary offerings of this restaurant and let yourself be inspired.
Last update
January 2, 2025
Maria José Soares
Type of cuisine
All food photos (28)
Lulinhas fritas
Choquinhos fritos
Salada Polvo
Salada Ovas
Perninhas rã fritas
Salada Orelha
Camarão frito
Ovos Rotos
Tábua Tapas
Ovos de Codorniz
Cabeças de Borrego Assadas
Cogumelos Salteados c/ Alho e Coentros
Alheira c/ovos mexidos
Pratos Principais mais vendidos (Variam Dirariamente)
Borrego Assado no forno
Leitão Assado
Açorda Perdiz
(2 pessoas)
Bochechas Assadas/estufadas
Queixadas Assadas
Migas com Entrecosto
Javali estufado com castanhas
Coelho Bravo Frito
Bacalhau à Lagareiro
Bacalhau à Brás
Cabrito Assado no Forno
Favas com Entrecosto Frito
Língua estufada
Costeletas Vitela Grelhadas
Pezinhos de Coentrada
Costeletas Borrego Fritas
Barrigas de Leitão Assadas
Frequently Asked Questions
At Taberna Ismael, the chef is Maria José Soares.
If you plan to eat at Taberna Ismael, the average price should be around €14. The average price is calculated based on appetizer/entrée or entrée/dessert, excluding drinks. Prices have been provided by the restaurant.
Yes, Taberna Ismael has been identified as having local food on the menu.
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