Gustavo S. • 52 reviews
October 5, 2024
8.5/10The owner is a very nice and friendly lady who is also the cook and interacts with guests at the tables. Regarding food: tacos are amazing! 😊
Tété's Burritos • Owner
Obrigado Gustavo, pela vossa visita 🙏
Ben S. • 22 reviews
November 15, 2022
10/10It has been a staple since their opening and I'm so glad they are still rocking and rolling. Lovely to see it busy on a Tuesday! The menu gets better and better and tastier and tastier. Their passion fruit margarita - absolutely delicious! I could eat a million of their burritos. Beautiful restaurant, amazing staff, great times. A winner for anyone looking for a hidden treat up the trail from the market.
Tété's Burritos • Owner
Hello Ben, thank you for your words, it is a privilege to have you as our Client, and we really appreciate your visit, as always, see you soon ????
Carlos C. • 62 reviews
July 8, 2022
6.5/10After having Mexican food all over the world, it’s hard to find anything close to the real deal, good Mexican food is not easy to make, it can look good but if the seasoning is not there and the ingredients are not the correct ones, it’s just not going to fly. The burritos had no seasoning, every thing was very blend, no salt, the sour cream was whipped cream. In the end very disappointing, not even pico de gallo to go with the chips.
Tété's Burritos • Owner
This restaurant is Tex-Mex, it's not Mexican, you probably don't have the knowledge to report what you tasted, thank you for visiting
Anna P. • 24 reviews
November 13, 2021
8.5/10Thought we were not aware that it's vegetarian place, the food was delícious. Simple decorating of the restaurant.
Tété's Burritos • Owner
Obrigada Anna, até Breve
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