TheFork users who ate in Bellevue have said really good things about Le Country - Country Club Geneva, L´Olivo and Les Lauriers. Maybe you should give them a try!
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants that offer local food options on their menu in Bellevue according to TheFork users include:
Le Country - Country Club Geneva, with a 8.2 rating
L´Olivo, with a 8.4 rating
Les Lauriers, with a 9.4 rating
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants with a romantic atmosphere in Bellevue according to TheFork users include:
Yourte du Port Gitana, with a 9.7 rating
Le Country - Country Club Geneva, with a 8.2 rating
Les 5 Portes, with a 9.2 rating
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants where you can go with your family in Bellevue according to TheFork users include:
La Vigne Blanche, with a 9.2 rating
Le Country - Country Club Geneva, with a 8.2 rating
Sushi Store - Paquis, with a 9.3 rating
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants well suited for a business lunch in Bellevue according to TheFork users include:
Le Country - Country Club Geneva, with a 8.2 rating
Royal Oriental, with a 9 rating
Thaï-Phuket, with a 8.8 rating
Métro, boulot, dodo : en ce moment, c'est votre credo. Stop, relax : offrez-vous un city-break. Adresses bucoliques, ambiances zen, restaurants avec jardin... TheFork se met au vert : suivez-la en terrasse, dans une cour secrète ou à l'ombre d'un patio. Réservez. Et respirez.