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The Best Restaurants with an outdoor terrace in Puerto, Cunit

1 restaurant
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Terrace - Feeling - Puerto, Cunit
Great Deal



Rambla del Port, 3 - 4, 08800, Vilanova i la Geltrú

9.1 / 10
723 reviews

Average price €20

american express


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Best rated restaurants in Cunit

Estofado de carne tierno con papas doradas en un caldo sabroso y aromático.


La Diligencia



43881 Cunit

€28 average price

Mediterranean With friends


43881 Cunit

€15 average price

Interior acogedor con mesas cubiertas de mantel rojo, sillas de madera elegantes y una iluminación suave que realza la decoración rústica.

Chinese With friends

43881 Cunit

€15 average price

Best deals in Cunit

Estofado de carne tierno con papas doradas en un caldo sabroso y aromático.


La Diligencia



43881 Cunit

€28 average price

Mediterranean With friends


43881 Cunit

€15 average price

Interior acogedor con mesas cubiertas de mantel rojo, sillas de madera elegantes y una iluminación suave que realza la decoración rústica.

Chinese With friends

43881 Cunit

€15 average price

Terrace near Cunit

Sit down and close your eyes ... Do you feel the sunlight on your face? Can you hear the birds singing and glasses clinking? It's official, spring is here! Celebrate by choosing a restaurant with a terrace and soaking up the sunshine!

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