TheFork users who ate in Den Bosch have said really good things about Sense Restaurant, restaurant le VIN 'x and Nul73. Maybe you should give them a try!
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants in Centrum Den Bosch according to TheFork users include Sense Restaurant, restaurant le VIN 'x, and Nul73.
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in Den Bosch according to TheFork users include:
Sense Restaurant, with a 9.4 rating
restaurant le VIN 'x, with a 9.5 rating
Nul73, with a 8.4 rating
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants that offer gluten-free options on their menu in Den Bosch according to TheFork users include:
Sense Restaurant, with a 9.4 rating
restaurant le VIN 'x, with a 9.5 rating
Nul73, with a 8.4 rating
Some of the more popular Garden restaurants with a romantic atmosphere in Den Bosch according to TheFork users include:
Sense Restaurant, with a 9.4 rating
Pollevie, with a 9.1 rating
Restaurant Shirak, with a 7.6 rating
Métro, boulot, dodo : en ce moment, c'est votre credo. Stop, relax : offrez-vous un city-break. Adresses bucoliques, ambiances zen, restaurants avec jardin... TheFork se met au vert : suivez-la en terrasse, dans une cour secrète ou à l'ombre d'un patio. Réservez. Et respirez.