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The Best Middle Eastern Restaurants in Vicoli, Genoa

2 restaurants
Why you received these results
Middle Eastern - Takumi Ramen - Vicoli, Genoa


Takumi Ramen

Salita di S. Matteo, 21, 16123, Genova

8.8 / 10
67 reviews

Average price €16

20% off food

    Middle Eastern - Allora Ristorante - Vicoli, Genoa
    On A Budget


    Salita di Santa Maria di Castello, 32r, 16123, Genova

    9.2 / 10
    268 reviews

    Average price €35

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      Italian Wine bar

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      Interni moderni e minimalisti con pavimenti in legno chiaro e pareti neutre, illuminati da lampade a sospensione, creando un'atmosfera accogliente.

      Mediterranean Wine bar


      16138 Genova

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      Moroccan With friends




      16121 Genova

      €18 average price

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      L'esterno del "Il Cantinone Bistrot" presenta un ingresso affascinante incorniciato da muri in pietra, con un'insegna ben visibile. L'illuminazione soffusa crea un'atmosfera calda e accogliente, arricchita da elementi di verde. Design complessivo suggerisce un'esperienza culinaria rustica e intima.

      Mediterranean With friends


      16145 Genova

      €39 average price

      Up to -50%

      Due pizze: una con crosta spessa e bruciacchiata, mozzarella cremosa, fette di pepperoni e basilico fresco; l'altra con crosta più scura e un mix di ingredienti, probabilmente formaggio e verdure.

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      16128 Genova

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      Up to -50%

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      16123 Genova

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      Area esterna accogliente con tavoli sotto un grande ombrello, sedie scure e piante in vaso, creando un'atmosfera rustica e invitante.

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      16123 Genova

      €14 average price

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      16128 Genova

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      • Seafood platter
      • Vegan dishes
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      Do you have a sudden longing for coucous, tajine with prunes, shish kebabs, dates, and candied lemons? Allow yourself to be transported to Tunisia, Algeria, or Morocco and experience the richness of the Mediterranean culinary tradition.

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      Promotional offers are subject to conditions displayed on the restaurant’s page. Offers on alcoholic beverages are strictly reserved for adults. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. Drink with moderation.