Lucky Burger is a favorite place for TheFork users. This 8.8 rated Good for groups restaurant is located in Masthugget and would be an excellent choice for your next meal. Bistro Bangatan and Yalla Yalla Meze are also some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants in Masthugget according to reviews from our users.
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in Masthugget according to TheFork users include: Lucky Burger, with a 8.8 rating Bistro Bangatan, with a 8.9 rating Yalla Yalla Meze, with a 8.1 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants that are well suited for group dining in Masthugget according to TheFork users include: Lucky Burger, with a 8.8 rating Bistro Bangatan, with a 8.9 rating Yalla Yalla Meze, with a 8.1 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants to visit with friends in Masthugget according to TheFork users include: Mellanrummet, with a 9.5 rating Lucky Burger, with a 8.8 rating The Burger, with a 9 rating
Do you have a big dinner to organise and feel like you've bit off more than you can chew? Whether it be for business, a large group of friends, or your extended family, book a Group Special Menu from our selection of restaurants in your area.