Le BistroBaule is a favorite place for TheFork users. This 9.8 rated restaurant is located in La Baule-Escoublac, and would be an excellent choice for your next meal. Papy Mougeot Pornichet and Morfales are also some of the more popular Seminar restaurants in La Baule-Escoublac according to reviews from our users.
Some of the more popular Seminar restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in La Baule-Escoublac according to TheFork users include:
Le BistroBaule, with a 9.8 rating
Papy Mougeot Pornichet, with a 9.2 rating
Morfales, with a 9.1 rating
Some of the more popular Seminar restaurants that offer local food options on their menu in La Baule-Escoublac according to TheFork users include:
Le BistroBaule, with a 9.8 rating
Papy Mougeot Pornichet, with a 9.2 rating
Morfales, with a 9.1 rating
Some of the more popular Seminar restaurants with a romantic atmosphere in La Baule-Escoublac according to TheFork users include:
Indochine, with a 9 rating
Le Ponton, with a 9.1 rating
Le Tova, with a 9.1 rating
Some of the more popular Seminar restaurants having a terrace in La Baule-Escoublac according to TheFork users include:
14 Avenue, with a 9.6 rating
Indochine, with a 9 rating
Le Ponton, with a 9.1 rating
Some of the more popular Seminar restaurants where you can go with your family in La Baule-Escoublac according to TheFork users include:
La Brasserie de la Baule, with a 8.7 rating
Balme La Baule, with a 9.5 rating
Le BistroBaule, with a 9.8 rating
Some of the more popular Seminar restaurants where you can go with your pets in La Baule-Escoublac according to TheFork users include:
Le BistroBaule, with a 9.8 rating
Papy Mougeot Pornichet, with a 9.2 rating
Morfales, with a 9.1 rating