Food and Beer is a favorite place for TheFork users. This 9.4 rated restaurant is located in Lège-Cap-Ferret, and would be an excellent choice for your next meal. L'Ecume and Le Confidentiel Arcachon are also some of the more popular From market restaurants in Lège-Cap-Ferret according to reviews from our users.
Some of the more popular From market restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in Lège-Cap-Ferret according to TheFork users include:
Food and Beer, with a 9.4 rating
L'Ecume, with a 9.6 rating
Le Confidentiel Arcachon, with a 8.2 rating
Des produits locaux, des légumes frais, des plats simples et parfumés… C’est ça, la cuisine de marché. Et les fins gourmets ont tendance à l’adorer. C’est votre cas ? Alors retrouvez vite les restaurants qui vous serviront de bons p’tits plats de saison.