Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants in Montpellier according to TheFork users include: Le Paresseur, with a 9.3 rating Restaurant l'entr deux, with a 9.6 rating Chez Oscar, with a 9.6 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in Montpellier according to TheFork users include:
Le Paresseur, with a 9.3 rating
Restaurant l'entr deux, with a 9.6 rating
Chez Oscar, with a 9.6 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants that offer gluten-free options on their menu in Montpellier according to TheFork users include:
Le Paresseur, with a 9.3 rating
Restaurant l'entr deux, with a 9.6 rating
Le FaV, with a 10 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants with a romantic atmosphere in Montpellier according to TheFork users include:
Le Café Riche, with a 8.8 rating
D'Ici et D'Ailleurs, with a 9.8 rating
Le Paresseur, with a 9.3 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants having a terrace in Montpellier according to TheFork users include:
La Trattoria, with a 9.2 rating
Arezzo, with a 9 rating
Curry Masala, with a 9.4 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants with great wine selection in Montpellier according to TheFork users include:
Le Paresseur, with a 9.3 rating
Restaurant l'entr deux, with a 9.6 rating
Spiritus, with a 9.5 rating
Some of the more popular Good for groups restaurants where you can go with your pets in Montpellier according to TheFork users include:
Restaurant l'entr deux, with a 9.6 rating
La table du 3, with a 9.5 rating
Le FaV, with a 10 rating
Do you have a big dinner to organise and feel like you've bit off more than you can chew? Whether it be for business, a large group of friends, or your extended family, book a Group Special Menu from our selection of restaurants in your area.