Aux Delices de l'Orient is a favorite place for TheFork users. This 9.2 rated restaurant is located in Rueil-Malmaison, and would be an excellent choice for your next meal. Bariz and Maroc en Yvelines are also some of the more popular Moroccan restaurants in Rueil-Malmaison according to reviews from our users.
Some of the more popular Moroccan restaurants that offer halal options on their menu in Rueil-Malmaison according to TheFork users include:
Aux Delices de l'Orient, with a 9.2 rating
Bariz, with a 9.3 rating
Maroc en Yvelines, with a 8.9 rating
Imaginez un peu : des saveurs exotiques, des plats généreux aux accents orientaux… La cuisine marocaine nous tend les bras et nous rappelle le bonheur des grandes tables familiales. Pour partager un bon couscous ou se régaler autour d’un tajine, réservez votre table dans les meilleurs restaurants marocains de votre ville.