TheFork users who ate in Settimo Torinese have said really good things about Ristorante Giapponese King Sushi, Pan and Sashimi 1 Torino. Maybe you should give them a try!
Some of the more popular Japanese restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in Settimo Torinese according to TheFork users include:
Ristorante Giapponese King Sushi, with a 9 rating
Pan, with a 8.5 rating
Sashimi 1 Torino, with a 8.3 rating
Some of the more popular Japanese restaurants having buffet in Settimo Torinese according to TheFork users include:
Ristorante Giapponese King Sushi, with a 9 rating
Kiyomi, with a 9 rating
Sushiko - Via Botticelli, with a 8 rating
Some of the more popular Japanese restaurants where you can go with your friends in Settimo Torinese according to TheFork users include:
Ristorante Giapponese King Sushi, with a 9 rating
Pan, with a 8.5 rating
Kiyomi, with a 9 rating
Some of the more popular Japanese restaurants well suited for group dining in Settimo Torinese according to TheFork users include:
Ristorante Giapponese King Sushi, with a 9 rating
Pan, with a 8.5 rating
Sashimi 1 Torino, with a 8.3 rating
Some of the more popular Japanese restaurants where you can go with your pets in Settimo Torinese according to TheFork users include:
Ristorante Giapponese King Sushi, with a 9 rating
Pan, with a 8.5 rating
Sashimi 1 Torino, with a 8.3 rating
When you think of Japanese cuisine, what comes to mind? Sushi, ramen, or tempura? Why limit yourself? There is so much more to discover! From lesser known traditional meals to fusion cuisine, you will find all the flavours of Japan in our selection of restaurants.