TheFork users who ate in Strasbourg have said really good things about Mamama Bistro, Giv's and La Petite Mairie. Maybe you should give them a try!
Some of the more popular Bistro restaurants that offer vegetarian options on their menu in Strasbourg according to TheFork users include:
Mamama Bistro, with a 9 rating
Giv's, with a 9.2 rating
La Petite Mairie, with a 9.2 rating
Some of the more popular Bistro restaurants that offer local food options on their menu in Strasbourg according to TheFork users include:
Mamama Bistro, with a 9 rating
La Petite Mairie, with a 9.2 rating
L'Absinthe, with a 9.3 rating
Some of the more popular Bistro restaurants having a terrace in Strasbourg according to TheFork users include:
Bowl'Amie, with a 9 rating
Au quai de l'ill, with a 8.5 rating
Les Jardins de Babylone, with a 9.4 rating
Some of the more popular Bistro restaurants where you can go with your friends in Strasbourg according to TheFork users include:
Bowl'Amie, with a 9 rating
Le Relais Mangatama, with a 6.9 rating
Cinecitta de la Rose, with a 9.3 rating
A counter to lean on, wooden tables, and the aroma of beef bourgignon wafting through the air… all these signs point to just one thing: you're in a bistro! Here, traditional cuisine reigns. Consult our list of the bistros in your city to find the perfect one for you. A table for 4?